1. It’s in the details
Spend time looking over all of the details making sure that everything you wish to include is added and there is no unrelated information. Bidding for contracts outside your area? Some aspects of the job may differ from what you’re used to, so build in extra time to gather all the information you need.
2. Work smarter, not harder
Save time and develop well-written answers that everyone on your team has access to so that they are able to just adjust for each submission.
3. Show your subs you care
Build relationships with subs out of trust so that they can give you what you need. This will allow you to perform better overall on your final submission. Consider pre-negotiating with subcontractors on general terms outside of any individual bid.
4. Put yourself in their shoes
When owners put out a bid, they know that many things could go wrong within their project. This is why you need to consider exactly what they are concerned about and address this in your submission.
5. Stand out from the crowd
It is important to know and understand your competition so that you are able to match any strengths you share and then showcase what puts you above them. Some differentiators can be track record, client list, certifications/ accreditations, awards, or experience with particular building products the owner may want to use.
6. Write an engaging cover letter
Take this as an opportunity to show your unique skills and why you are the right company for the job. Be careful not to sound like everyone else—emphasize what really makes you better.
7. Add your insight
Include any additional ideas around value engineering and alternative approaches that could create a faster or less expensive outcome since owners are looking for insight, experience, and problem solving abilities.
8. Learn from your mistakes
After each bid you should look at what went well and what didn’t. Keep track of these learnings to help increase your win rate.
* Information provided by Dodge Analytics I The Blue Book Network.
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